Saturday, December 01, 2007


The number of calculated calories we used during today's easy fourteen mile run. I used my Garming Etrex to record the distance.

It rained the day before so it was kind of fun running in the mud. Shoes do become heavy when they the soles pick up the wet dirt. Other than that the run was pretty successful.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Added the photo gallery plug in and now have a nice slide show running. Which leads me to our next run. Fourteen miles coming up...

Monday, November 26, 2007


Well, the Turkey Genocide day is finally over. I was able to come out unscathed and actually lost two pounds over the week (can’t say that for the poor turkeys who not only gained weight but are no longer around).

I'm talking about real turkeys of course!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Almost 13....

November 17th, 2007.

My twin sons and I hit the 12.75 mile marker. One quarter of mile and we would have been at 13. That's Ok, don't want to overdo it.

Next run will be a short 6 miler and then we go to 14.5 or 15 on the following weekend.

Training has been great.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The creation of a smile.

Today was not a particularly cheerful morning. Did not get my regular 'beauty rest', so I was a little moody to say the least. After breakfast, I headed to the office continued on the tasks at hand from the day before and completed quite a few of them. I was still a little tired by noon and contemplated not going to the gym as I usually do during lunch. After a few minutes of self debate, I went any way.

I got into the zone... (I felt the need for speed), that meant all out sprints. I figured they would bring my mood up. I ran for a mere twenty-five minutes. With in that time I sprinted five times. at 7mph, 8mph, 9mph, 10mph and 9mph (treadmill speed). I was done, cooled down and was getting ready to leave.

I felt good, ready to tackle the rest of the day. I figured I obtained my money's worth. But something even better was about to occur. Unexpectedly, one of the members came up to me, commented on the difference she had noticed over time and asked me how much weight I had actually lost. She encouraged me to keep going. Those words could not have come at a better time. I'm in one of those dreaded plateaus. Someone actually cared enough to make a positive comment. And just like that, pulled me out of the lingering dark cloud. I hope that somewhere in the immediate future, I'm able to return the favor.

That is the creation of a smile.

Angels come in many forms :-)

To be sure this kind of thing should never go to one's head.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

10% or so

As of November 2, 2007 , we are at ten miles and a quarter. The run went well. Went up Colima Road ( Whittier, Ca) and expect to use the hill for most of our training. Hill sprint repeats are next. Increasing to ten repeats this coming weekend (November 10th).

According to my schedule we should hit the twenty mile mark ahead of schedule. This may be the first time we do more than twenty miles in training. We'll see how it goes. We are increasing our mileage by ten per cent on alternate weekends. Everything seems good so far.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

LA Marathon Training (October 2007)

I can officially declare that I’m in Marathon training. This year my twin boys (they are 19 now), will be doing the LA Marathon with me. Their exuberance and youth is obvious as we train together. We have done a total twenty-five miles so far (in increments of course), and the count will go up this weekend.

I’m being careful about not increasing the mileage too soon. My sons want to go farther and faster but I know better. You can hurt yourself training for these events if not done properly (especially me). We’ll do eight plus miles on Friday October 19, 2007 and increase mileage every couple of weeks. Last week we did seven miles (6.9 to be exact), with eight ten second repeats, going fast up hill. My kids dropped me on every single repeat. The experience was invigorating, and much fun. But just so you know, I can sprint, is past the thirty yard mark where you see the difference…. All right, you can see the difference in speed by the second yard, there… I admit it. This workout will make us faster, we’ll see how much faster. To be sure, I’m counting on the workouts improving my speed!

What I like about the training is the time spent chatting and joking with my sons. I wish I would have done this with my older ones (we did more biking with my daughter and son than running). Yes that’s right; I’m a father of four. The whole affair is only sustainable because of my wonderful wife (Rachel), who puts up with all my wining after the predictable sore muscles on long runs (this I believe, means another bouquet of flowers). If I could only get her to do this with us….hmmm! Maybe not, there is only room for one big baby in our home.

Some friends of ours will also be joining the fray. Others from past runs will not be there, I’ll be thinking of them as we move along. As for the current group, we’ll stay together as long as possible during training and throughout the event. At some point everyone will have to settle on their on pace. As training progresses, we will apply more of the training tips given by Runners World and others; if my sons listen to this advice (if they listen), they will finish unscathed.

No world records are in danger but I’m sure many wonderful memories await us.

Going long! Onward!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I am an energizing force,
a magnificent waterfall,
which refreshes and inspires others to excel.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Reading the manual (carefully)!

Over the last couple of months, after having started my new workout program, here are my latest thoughts. These are based on the New Rules of Lifting as mentioned in previous entries.


I went through the prep phase and Fat Loss I; effectively finishing this part of the training July 29, 2007. I have become stronger. I know this because I track my progress. I use “The Ultimate Workout Log” by Suzanne Schlosberg. I can record all the different workouts in there, from running on the mill, weight training, sleep habits, nutrition notes, etc.


When I started the Fat Loss I phase, doing squats and dead lifts, I gave myself some room to grow. The first set of squats, were done with 2x45lbs plates plus the bar for a total of 135lbs. Doing 3 sets of 15 went pretty well. As I increased the weight and did same amount of sets but less reps it became clear that these workouts were a lot tougher than expected. When I finished the last workout in the program I was at 265lbs squats 3 sets of 8 (my modification). Dead lifts were increased in similar fashion. By the time I the last workout dead lifts were at 235lbs. for 3 sets of 10 reps each.


While doing all of these, someone at the gym kindly made me aware that my Romanian Dead Lift was not correct. I have been doing this for quite a while so my initial thought was…well I’m doing it according to the book, what could be wrong? I humbly checked the illustrations and checked the text. Lo and behold, all these years (five to be exact), I have been doing it wrong!


This revelation, prompted me to examine the workout descriptions further. Guess what, I was not doing those in the proper order either. No wonder I was completely exhausted by the time I finished each individual workout. I was supposed to do supersets, in other words do one set of squats jump immediately (with some rest), to the next exercise, go back to the squat and so on.


Oh boy! I guess the moral of the story is: when all else fails, read the manual (carefully)!


This is my recovery week. So I’ll be playing hoops and doing some light work to completely get over all this madness. Onward!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lifting weights and the kitchen.

Lately there has been an update on the benefits of weight lifting. Anaerobic exercising has also been in the limelight. While aerobic activities still have their place, maximizing time in our busy society has become paramount (average time for most Marathoners 3-5 hours plus 6 month to a year of training). This tip is typical of what you find these days:


So back to my weight lifting and sprinting I go.


Now eating clean or avoiding the typical drive a Mercedes stop at McDonald’s syndrome requires some time. It actually balances out; you spend less time working out but more time in the kitchen. It does save you money in the long run. The trouble is that it could hurt your relationships (well it’s a special case). Let me explain.


This morning, in preparation for my hard weight lifting workout, I went to the kitchen. I prepared myself my favorite oat meal concoction. Almonds, raw milk, whey, half a banana, some extra fiber, powder cinnamon; it was good. Mind you that finding all these ingredients while half asleep creates quite a commotion (one demerit). 


I next proceeded to make my smoothie so I could have it before the workout and at lunch. All ingredients are the best I could get, really, really good stuff. Again, I used raw milk, and then came the mangos, papaya, all kinds of berries, almond butter and whey.  Using my blender I went to work on my smoothie (two demerits). Do you realize how noisy a blender is early in the morning while everyone is still asleep? Oh boy!  


So I’m smoothing (blender going full blast), all of sudden the blender just seemed to stop. I could hear the motor revving but there was no blending going on. So I wanted to see what was going on.  I took part of the cover off to observe. I figured I hit the liquefy button to give it some help. That’s when some of my smoothie ingredients exploded into the air, hit the top cabinet, my tee short and of course my hair and the counter (three demerits).


The mess got cleaned up, well or so I think.  I did as best as I could, but something tells me I must have missed a spot. I might be getting a call from my wife about this issue. Hmm, I think I better call some of my friends to see if they have an extra room for tonight. This smoothie better be worth it. I’m going to work really hard during my workout, so even if I have to sleep on the floor, I won’t care cause weight lifting is … for the mot part good for you!



Sunday, July 01, 2007

Full speed ahead!

Last Friday (June 29th, 2007), I did my third workout on the Fat Loss I program I’ve started. It royally kicked my own derrière. I don’t know what the temperature was but if felt hot. My energy level was low and I really had to psyche myself up to get the workout done (ok, really did not finish it as you'll see).

Before I proceed, this is what was involved:

  • Three (3x15)sets of Dead Lifts (145lbs).
  • Push ups (3x15) set Body Weight (this one is particularly difficult. My shoulder injury limits my range so I do it only if does not hurt.
  • Romanian Lunges (split lunge, one leg on the bench) Basically this is more body weight. I started with two 25lbs plates. It immediately became apparent that I was not going to finish 3x15s with this. I had previously done 20lbs but not this time. I did one set with 25bls and the other two sets with 10lbs.
  • Chin ups (3x15) sets body weight. Did 8 chin-ups and went to bent rows (don’t have a lat machine so this was good enough).
  • Romanian Dead Lifts (3x15) sets (140 lbs.) I completed this without a problem.
    I was supposed to do some swiss ball crunches last. The easiest part, but I was so absolutely beaten by this time, I just went and had a smoothie.

    I slept like a baby (that’s a misnomer, babies wake up a lot), ok like a log. Maybe that’s better.

    This past Saturday (June 30th, 2007), my niece got married. I was the photographer for the wedding and felt pretty good. The only thing was that I think I did the equivalent of a half marathon in the heat. I began shooting (photos) at around 11:30am and finished at around 5:30pm. I was exhausted. The heat got to me again. My Achilles heel also gave me some trouble but after relaxing again I slept like a err…log.

    Today it’s my meeting for spiritual food, spend time with family and friends. I feel good so I’ll make time to do my next workout later today. It will be great! Onward!

    P.S. My weight keeps fluctuating (226, 228, 226). One thing is for sure. I am stronger, I’m doing more reps with more weight and my clothing is a little looser.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lastest and Greatest

The past few weeks have been full of excitement, anticipation, expectation, lots of ations. My twin sons graduated from High School.

Had a little celebration and as many friends as I could invite to the party. We could only fit 100 so I unfortunately had to exclude some folks. But overall it has been great. Many thanks, to everyone who participated in one way or another.

Moving on, to figure out what path to follow; that of course will change with time. The average American changes jobs or careers six or seven times (read that somewhere) during their lifetime. My daughter was one of the few who kept the same major through out her college studies and is now working in a related field. We’ll see what happens and where they go.

I’ve been extremely busy working so everything has been like a blur. I was there for every important occasion nevertheless. We also moved into our new KH and our schedule is now a bit easier to work with.

I’m still going strong with my Fat Loss I workouts. The gym we usually go to during lunch is closed most of this week, so I’ve compensated by getting up earlier and doing my workouts then. Last week the initial workouts took a good bite out me. I was sore all over, especially my legs. The combination of squats, dead lifts, lunges, etc. did their work. Although I’m not seeing a change in the scale, my clothing is fitting better (there is more room to play with now).

The other thing that has improved is my basketball shooting. I’ve been playing off and on and my shooting took a dive. So I’ve been correcting my delivery and form. One thing I will avoid is doing weights and playing a long and hard basketball game right after. Did that last week and I experienced what I’ve only experienced while Marathoning. Cramps in both legs, boy was that fun :0( .

I felt well rested this morning and had an excellent workout. Onward! I’m thank-full for my family, my friends and my health. Can’t get any richer than that.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The gun did not go off!

Actually it might have, but I missed it!

I was supposed to start my Fat Loss l program Monday and it did not happen. I did not sleep well the night before and out went the workout. I had a 'cheat' meal Sunday night and boy, did it cheat me out of my sleep! There is an interesting study that I recently read about this, and apparently fast food even once in a while is bad for you. So much for moderation. Read the study here:

I did do some sprints and played basketball on Monday though. It was horrible. No rest you can't be at your best.
I just could not get myself to lift weights. Went to bed early yesterday, feel much better, today is the day!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My gift for today!

This morning I recounted all the things that bring me happiness.

I began a long journey thirty-two years ago, therein lies the source of some of my happiness. This drive through life has been fraught with many challenges, obstacles and some serious problems. There have been times when I thought (others encouraged this line of thought as well, although well meaning, not really the best advice) of getting out. I did consider that option for about .00000000001 second! Not an option. In fact when starting the journey, that was my mind set. There will be no divorce.

My wife and I have grown together, we have four children. I often let them know that I love them and my wife hears that all the time. I do the dishes to prove it :-), help around the house, talk to my kids and have gotten much better at talking to my better half.

I want to be around them for a long time. My religion is not evolution so I thank my creator for giving me the opportunity to face the challenges that prune us to become a better version of ourselves. I've not suffered much in my journey, not really, and in that I'm very fortunate. It is only the moments of succumbing to selfishness that problems have arose.

My gift today is having a family, that although imperfect, strives to stay together. Don't need what the advertising agencies say I do. Onward!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dance the night away....

Dance the night away...well, almost.

I attended a small wedding ( a friend of my wife's), had some food and when the music started...I felt like dancing of course. It took a little nudging to get my wife on the dance floor and she would not go out unless others joined the fray. After recruiting a few volunteers we all went to the dance floor. I ended up dancing with my wife and about ten other ladies (made a double line). We all dance about four songs and had a lot of fun.

Did not count the calories but felt pretty good after jumping and sliding a little bit. In any case it all adds up to my caloric consumption at the end of the day and had lots of fun doing it. Next week, it's another party. So I'm ready! This time it should be more than ten minutes. I could go for about two hours, that sounds about right!

New Beginning

I recently bought the book New Rules of Lifting ( I started on the program about three weeks ago. This will be my fourth week (recovery week). Next week I start what is called a fat loss program. Lots of Squats and Deadlifts ( I like that). My only concern is how long the each workout will take.

There are six groups of exercises per workout at three sets of fifteen reps. I'll see how long the first workout takes and figure something out. I only have a limited time for lunch so I may split the workouts. Have to experiment.

I did manage to loose some of the weight I gained after the LA Marathon so that's encouraging. I'm really beginning to question the whole high carb thing to prepare for Marathons. In the last couple of years every time I've done the pre-carb loading it has been horrible for me. It seems I lean more towards protein than carbs but only slightly.

So here we go. This morning I ran for about fourty minutes on the mill. Slow while I watched a nice mellow music DVD. I have a wedding to go later today so I know I'm dancing (even if it's by myself) yeah!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

After this years LA Marathon, I’ve been on a plateau. Well that’s not accurate, I actually gained a few pounds. It was either four or six. I’m down again (two pounds) after starting my weight lifting program and cut back a little on the running. It has been kind of slow so starting today (Monday 20, 2007), my new program goes into effect. I tried doing cardio prior to eating breakfast and it just did not work form me. It made me hungrier than ever. So if I have something light to eat before working out early in the morning I feel better (protein, carb mix is better for me).

So my workout went like this.

First the feeding. Half a banana with a 20 oz whey and water mix.

20 minutes of jogging at a very slow pace to get my heart rate up.

Then the real deal.

Squats. 2 Sets of 15 with 2x45s (135lbs).

Lunges 2 Sets of 15 each leg so that came out to 60 lunges holding 25 lb plates.

Single Arm rows (bent elbow) 2 Sets of 15 with 10lbs.

Pushups 2 Sets of 15 (my shoulder still bothers me a little so I’ll have to work on this).

Swiss ball crunches 2 Sets of 15 (that was easy).

Walked for about five minutes to cool off

Had an oatmeal, almond, banana, 1/3 cup milk, ½ cup blueberries breakfast after that.

Active rest tomorrow (5/21/2007). ,maybe some hoops, and hit the weights again on Wednesday the 22nd.

This will go on for about three weeks before I hit my new fat loss program.

Taken from the book: The New Rules of Lifting.

If anything, I will not be bored for a while. According to my hear rate monitor the whole thing used about 650 calories. Onward

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Early Lunch

Woke up rather hungry and very early this morning. So I did a two mile walk before breakfast and then had my lunch (for breakfast). Now I have to eat something else for lunch. Well the top sirloin was really good!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Breakfast this morning consisted of steel cut oats, blueberries, half banana, vanilla whey, half cup raw milk, almonds. 571 calories.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

WrkouT 4 2day Deadlifts
Wrnup 20 squats Body weight
15 reps @ 135lbs
2?10 reps @ 135lbs
2x5 reps @ 205lbs
Squats 10 reps @ 135lbs

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ate @ BJs had my rewards meal. Hamburger on sourdough, some potato wedge fries, chocolate chip cookies and icecream

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I did 2 miles this morning.-1.5 running w/o shoes. Afterwards I did a full medicine ball wrkout(chops,lunges,military press w squat)

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

After the sprint...

Woke up today feeling energetic after yesterday's sprint session. This morning when I did my chopping exercises with medicine ball I did feel the lunges a bit more than usual.


Overall it was a good workout, had a nice breakfast and I'm ready for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hump Day (Noon)

Well I had my run. I warmed up with a five minute stationary bike spin. Immediately after, I ran for another seven minutes with out shoes to get ready for my sprints at about 5.3 mph.

Once ready I did four sprints, one of about 40 seconds at eight mph, two at nine mph and the last one at ten mph for thirty seconds.

Cooled off with a three minute bike spin.

Hump Day

Today I woke up well rested. Got up and did some light race walking on my treadmill while watching cable. Did for about 35 minutes and used about 250 calories before breakfast. I will be doing some sprints during my lunch hour to build some HGH on my body and we'll see how I feel tomorrow.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday's Menu


Food ItemQuantityCalories
Green Tea2 Cups2

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today's Workout
Jump Rope, Stationary Bike, Treadmill, Reaction Ball drills: 547 Cals.

Today's Lunch
Rice with Chiken
1 1/2 cups

Pinto Beans
1 cup

Freezed Dried Vegetables
1 Cup

Snack (11:00Am)

String Cheese
2 Oz


Today's Breakfast


Low Fat Milk
1 Cup

Dark Chocolate
1 Cube

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mid Morning Snack

Food Item                       Quantity              Calories       
Sprouted Grain Bread    3 slices                    240    
Almond Butter               1.5 Tbsp                  140    
Blueberry Spread           1 Tsp                         40   
                                            Total                     420    


Food Item Quantity Calories
Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt 1/2 Cup 110
Vanilla Whey 36 grams 180
Bluberries 1 Cup 80
Banana Large 120
Non Fat Milk 1 Cup 90
Spirullina 1 Tbsp 10
Freezed Dried Veggies 1 Tbsp 20
Total 610

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I used 6,000 calories plus on the Marathon. It still does not mean that I can eat with abandon. I did enjoy my hamburger and a couple of brownies though. :-)

LA Marathon 2007: Game’s over man….. for now!

Well, the LA Marathon came and went.

My unofficial time was 7:09.xx.

Lessons learned.

I was not familiar at all with the new route. I forgot that the first mile and a half was actually up-hill (I had ridden this area mane years ago on my bike).

Lesson 1: Preview the course (If the route is changed again next year, I’ll make sure to do that).

I trained for three months, did 1200 and 800 meter repeats, tempo runs, long runs, slow runs, etc.

Lesson 2: I really need to train for six months like before. Three months for me does not cut it.

I ran with a friend and we had discussed parting ways at some point if one of us hit the wall. I actually stayed with her the rest of the way and helped her finished.

Lesson 3: There is no glory if there is no personal sacrifice. My PR awaits for another day.

In my previous Marathons, I cramped up really bad at mile 7 and mile 13 respectively. That did not happen this year at all. I felt it coming but it never happened. I was quite rested when I got to the finish.

Lesson 4: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I thought I had done that before but I really understand how to hydrate now. I drank 32 ounces of Accelerade about an hour before the race start and drank my 64 oz supply during the race plus whatever I could get at water stations. I did have to go to the restroom twice but really did not loose any time at all doing that. Accelarade it is.

After the run I immediately took an ice bath. It started with a warm shower, 5 minute dunk in my portable tub with ice, back to the warm water, dunk in ice, warm shower, ice again and finish with short warm shower. I also iced specific areas of my right heel and left foot. I was able to run/walk a 3 miler the next day.

Lesson 5: Ice baths are very good for fast recoveries along with the right amount of training.

I have come to like this type of event.

Lesson 6: I have come to love this type of event!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Carbo loading…

I’m going to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. I’ve been ready to go all week. Finally I’ll go have my favorite dish. Spinach Tortellini, everything on the side.

Now it is customary to have a pre-race carbo loading dinner. The truth is that it does not really help for race day, unless you started carbo loading a week before (which I did). It just a nice tradition but there should really be a big carbo loading ritual way before the race.

For now I’ll just enjoy.

P.S. I wanted to go with a couple of friend and enjoy the company but that never materialized. I’m still not going by myself, my daughter and friend are going with me.

Bring it on!

Lessons learned

As I write this, I'm watching last years race (LA Marathon March 19, 2006), hopefully this years race will teach me more about the race. But first, what I learned the first time I did the LA Marathon.

Race walking was what I chose. I was really excited. I was two meters away from the starting line (can you spell dumb and crazy!).

The gun went off and my race walking technique kicked in. I was actually passing runners. And kept passing them until a little past mile 7. Can't remember the exact mile marker, the pain from both legs cramping up was just excruciating.

The 19 miles that were left were done at a more humble pace and the pain from the original cramps I experienced never did go away during the trek. I do remember mile 19, because at that spot, there were a group of volunteers spraying participants with some kind of pain killer. I volunteered for the experiment and almost fell on top of one of them as my legs were just about shot.

The finish line was full of joy, my race walking technique was back and people were cheering (I thought the cheers were for me), but I was in full tear mode. You really can't see that at the finish photo but a valuable lesson was learned.

Start farther back!

The best part (LA 2007)

What is the best part of the Marathon for me?

It's not the finish. Well it's related to the finish.

I make arrangements to get picked up after the race is over. And so, my son (Hanci), has been good to me in picking me up as I stagger out the area. Riding home with him is actually what I enjoy most, for about an hour, is just me and him and traffic of course. We talk and reminisce and I'm thank-full to have that time with him.

In the words of a famous character: I am your father!

Chip and Bib

I picked up my Bib and chip Friday March 2, 2007. For some reason getting those items are the most anxious part of this whole thing for me. Last year a friend of mine, did not get to the convention center on time and could not get her bib and other items.

My number is 5721. I signed up the next day after last year’s marathon run, I still got a pretty high number. This year if it's open, I'm signing up on the same evening of March 4th.

Dress rehearsal

Thursday, March 1, 2007. I went to they gym and got on the treadmill. Ran 3.5 miles walking for 1 minute at the mile mark. That's my stragety for March 4 at the LA Marathon.

If I can control myself, and I will, in the beginning, I will keep my heart rate to about 60-65% to not burn out at the end. This years training involved more running than speed walking, so we’ll see what happens.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

So far

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Singing in the rain...

February 11th, 2007 marked the official start of my tapering for the LA Marathon.

I ran for three hours in the rain, it was fun and miserable at the same time.

I started in the trail and mud stuck to my shoes so that I was more like skating than running. I got off the trail and the rain and asphalt cleansed my shoes better than if I had washed them.

Wet feet, somewhat cold, could not go as fast as I wanted but nevertheless finished in good form.


Monday, February 05, 2007

What's going through my mind...

20 miles completed.
Caught a cold.
My wife's allergies.
Friends I've not seen.
Web Services.
Guard duty at the site.
New words learned.
My parents.
My boys.
My daughter.
Upgrade cell phone, why?
My weight (225), it was at 240 or 235 last year around this time.
Office politics.
Future plans.
Sodium content in foods.
Finding lost items.
Counting my blessings.
I'm healthy and happy!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Marathon Training

March 4th is coming. I was a little behind my training but back on track and at 225lbs feel much better.

One new thing I've incorporated into my long walk/runs : hiking poles . Bought an inexpensive pair of Swiss Gear Aluminum poles and they are now permanently attached to my long runs. Really neat way to work up a sweat.