Well, the LA Marathon came and went.
My unofficial time was 7:09.xx.
Lessons learned.
I was not familiar at all with the new route. I forgot that the first mile and a half was actually up-hill (I had ridden this area mane years ago on my bike).
Lesson 1: Preview the course (If the route is changed again next year, I’ll make sure to do that).
I trained for three months, did 1200 and 800 meter repeats, tempo runs, long runs, slow runs, etc.
Lesson 2: I really need to train for six months like before. Three months for me does not cut it.
I ran with a friend and we had discussed parting ways at some point if one of us hit the wall. I actually stayed with her the rest of the way and helped her finished.
Lesson 3: There is no glory if there is no personal sacrifice. My PR awaits for another day.
In my previous Marathons, I cramped up really bad at mile 7 and mile 13 respectively. That did not happen this year at all. I felt it coming but it never happened. I was quite rested when I got to the finish.
Lesson 4: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I thought I had done that before but I really understand how to hydrate now. I drank 32 ounces of Accelerade about an hour before the race start and drank my 64 oz supply during the race plus whatever I could get at water stations. I did have to go to the restroom twice but really did not loose any time at all doing that. Accelarade it is.
After the run I immediately took an ice bath. It started with a warm shower, 5 minute dunk in my portable tub with ice, back to the warm water, dunk in ice, warm shower, ice again and finish with short warm shower. I also iced specific areas of my right heel and left foot. I was able to run/walk a 3 miler the next day.
Lesson 5: Ice baths are very good for fast recoveries along with the right amount of training.
I have come to like this type of event.
Lesson 6: I have come to love this type of event!