Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back on track...sort of

Well, we're going to attempt the Catalina Half Marathon. But just in case, sign up will not happen until a day before. I already donated my fee to the LA Marathon (non-refundable), and I'm not too eager to do the same with the Catalina event.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Farewell training run...

My boys and I ran 4.5 miles today. My left foot did not bother me and Yonathan's (younger twin) knee did Ok as well. As long as we don't run on the asphalt we seem to do fine.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What could have been...

This was the weekend that would tell all. The grand finale. The last long run.....It's a sure thing. We're not doing the LA Marathon and neither are we doing the Catalina Marathon. What started out as a nettlesome problem, has turned into a full fledge obstacle. Injuries have taken their toll and I think is best we just let it go.

My left foot has not really healed from that basketball injury from a few months ago. Now one of my boys is having serious knee problems. We must now concentrate on resolving these issues. Maybe in a few months we can resume the quest, but there is always next year. I've enjoyed this training season more than any other. We really have learned a lot. I'm actully glad that what has befallen us did not actually occur on the day of the Marathon. Nothing like something popping the day of the race and having a memorable but miserable time.

My boys and I are much closer now. Whatever the future holds for us, we still have each other, and the laughs and stories will go on for a long time. We're going to do a run walk on Sunday (2/24/2008), kind of a farewell training run.

I think we hear the fat lady singing.


Long Run

Our 23 miler did not happen.  We're doing the best we can and run under a slight drizzle. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My food log for today

2700. That's the amount of calories I ate today. 622. The amount of calories used in my kettlebell workout at noon.  I hit 168 on my hear rate monitor. My weight 233lbs. Not necessarily square one, rather a new beginning.

Indian Food

A couple of years ago, I was introduced to Indian food by a fellow employee at the office. I have been hooked ever since. Lately a group of us have been trying out the vegetarian menu and I can recommend it wholeheartedly (if you like vegetables of course).

Yesterday, I went with a friend to experience the "veggies" once more and it was as they say "the bomb". Little India in Artesia, Ca has a few restaurants along Pioneer Blvd so we have more to try out. The Nan and Masala breads are great.

One word of caution, just because it's all veggies does not mean you can throw caution to the wind. You can over do it and I think I did.

Back to training!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My collection

I'm pretty much set for now.

Below are the kettlebells I'm using for my family workouts (my daugther and my twin boys are using them).

I wanted to see how hard I was working so I wore my heart rate monitor on one of these workouts. There is a reason I'm winded (quickly). My heart rate goes as high as running sprints and depending on how you push it, close to max.

My goal is to be able to do the whole Providence routine in good form and do two rounds w/o rest and work up to three w/o rest. For now, I'm struggling just to finish the fourteen round workout. I must admit I like the routine.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Running Mad

This morning it seems we got up on the wrong side of the bed. I was not in good, mood, my boys had a slight disagreement (read heated argument) and I did something to upset my wife.

We decided to go for a short run anyway. For the first 3/4 mile, we were all quiet, mumbling here and there. Thinking and re-thinking our issues. After a while of manuvering on the dirt trail we ran our first leg. I snuck up on one of my boys and sprinted past for a few seconds. The run was really on.

We begun laughing and running some more, very soon we forgot what the whole affair was about and why we were upset. We picked up the pace, smiled at a few of the folks around the trail and we were now focused on our pace. We did only four miles today but the 'Mad' part soon dissapeared. We were back home before we knew it.

After all was said and done, we had a wonderful blueberry smoothie. I'm glad we ran mad today.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Kettlebell Providence Routine

I was up at the crack of dawn this morning. I can’t say that the whole affair could be cataloged as extempore, but it sure felt like it. I did feel better at the end of the workout but I’m still having trouble with two particular rounds. There is a Romanian dead lift done on one leg, holding the kettlelbell with two hands. It seemed like an easy thing to do; nevertheless, it is really taxing me. The other round is doing a reverse lunge while passing the kettlebell to the opposite hand. The pass is done from one hand to the other, under the leg that takes the step backwards. It is a balancing act and it sure puts some load on my abs. I’m working with a 16kg,  a 12kg and an 8kg, depending on the round.


On second thought, I may be having more trouble than I’m admitting. Onward!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A new recruit

My daughter has joined the kettelbell ranks. Her first workout was last Monday (February 4th, 2008). She only completed half the workout. Today I'm happy to report, she did the whole 14 rounds of Providence. She did not do the last three minute challenge but this is good news. I'm glad, next victim...my wife!

Run and Kettlebells

After catching a cold and fully recovering (90% at least), I resumed my training.


I did the Providence workout on Monday February 4th, 2008 (14 rounds of 2 minute bouts with a 3 minute ‘challenge’ at the end). Boy was I beat. Rested on Tuesday and did two running bouts today (February 6th, 2008), one at 5:30AM for 45 minutes and another one at lunch for about 20 minutes. A total of 6 sprints at about 80% exertion level.


Tomorrow, early morning, the Providence workout awaits.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Adjustments and tracking...

Year Six. 

I've kept fifty lbs off my frame for this long now. I'm pleased. My weight does fluctuate a little but nothing major. I feel pretty good most of the time as long as I get my beauty rest. So I ususally go to bed no later than 10:30PM. This allows me to wake up well rested.
I'll be doing another kettlebell workout this coming week. Have to recover from a cold before proceeding, I'll take it easy and see how it goes. I've not been really sick in as many years so it's been a good ride. My chest is still a little congested but I feel so much better.

The one thing I stopped doing was tracking my progress. Have to get back to that process. Starting now. I walked for two miles on the mill at an incline of seven.

I started using steel cut oats again (cooks in about thirty to fourty minutes), I really like the taste and it really satisfies me for quite a few hours.

Catalina Marathon is coming up soon. Have one more twenty-three miler to do and we're set.