Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ancient Fertility Rites in Our Modern Age

Ishtar day.

The Marathon that never was and the 10k that humbled me.

Imagine arriving at location of an event you've been anxiously waiting to attend. Only to find out that the location was right but the event has long since occurred (three weeks or so before).

Monday, March 03, 2008

The end of a run!

The LA Marathon came and went. Due to injuries and conflicting schedule, I was not able to run it. I now own and $85.00 T-Shirt. Lesson learned. You take a chance entering so soon after the last run. Anything could happen. I’m not sure I’ll be doing this particular Marathon again. I will be running a trail run in a couple of weeks in Catalina Island Maybe trail running will be more to my liking.  Of course, this is how I feel at this time.


Influencing my feelings is the fact that a least a couple of my fellow runners have sworn not to run the LA course again. We’ll see. The Catalina half and full Marathons are a mystery to me. There is a lot a hills I’m told and there is that boat ride to the start of the run. Maybe this will be the start of a new tradition. I’m anxious to participate. My sons and I are fully trained and ready.

