Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The new kid in town

This is my new acquisition. Lead shot, sand, these and other items are what could go in it to vary the weight. The handle is quite large. We'll see how it goes.

More info here:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kettlebell Pancakes

The healthiest pancakes on the planet!

What I’m about to describe is highly classified. The recipe described therein is highly energizing. No need for coffee if you do this.

Disclaimer: Following the recipe below should be done only if you are in great shape or getting there. I’m no a doctor, consult your doctor before following any strenuous activities. Damage to your kitchen is your responsibility as well.

Ok, having that out of the way let’s proceed with our soon to be famous Kettlebell Pancakes.

Measurements are for you to decide, all I know is that I ended up with a stack of nine 6” pancakes. They were thick as well 1/8 to ¼ inch. I loosely followed a recipe out of the Precision Nutrition cook book.

Here is the mix:

Whole Wheat Flour

2 table spoons Psyllium Husks

1 egg white

24 grams of vanilla whey

1 cup of blueberries

1 cup of milk


Two scoops of flax seed (ground)

Water in the mixture until smooth.

Table spoon of coconut oil.

You know the drill mix the stuff up, place on grill after coconut oil has melted and wait till bubbles are visible before turning.

The other part of the recipe follows.

While cooking each side of the pancakes, do as many swings with your kettlebell as possible. I have it down to 45 one arm swings per side.

While making the pancakes taking breaks between flipping the pancakes this is the workout:

30 two arm swings (first time so I stopped and checked the pancakes).


30 military presses on each side (stop take cooked pancakes out, put in the next batch).

While cooking the second batch:

45 single arm swings per pancake side (total of 90 after pancakes are done).

Next Batch;

30 swing and snatch per pancake side (total of 60 after pancakes are done).

One you pancakes are done:

10 pushups and 10 half get ups.

I picked a 25lb kettlebell for my workout. Take a shower and enjoy your pancakes. These are Post Workout meals so you must do something to justify the grub.

One thing I must emphasize, doing kettlebell workouts in the kitchen are not really recommended. But if you must (like I did), make sure to do safe swings, no flipping, no one are switches in mid air, none of that fancy stuff. Dropping a kettlebell on your kitchen floor (I have tile), will set you back hundreds of dollars. Stick to the basics. Make sure to wipe the kitchen floor (sweat), so that your poor unsuspecting mate or other family members don’t hurt themselves because you left a mess on the floor.

Last but not least, clean the counters. Your mate will love you, really. Otherwise the “wrath of Khan” will be upon you.

There you have it, the healthiest pancakes on the planet.

Monday, June 02, 2008


My new PR, running home. I beat my previous time by 32 seconds. Other numbers. Average heart rate 148bpm. 808 calories. On my way.

I'm also beginning to see some photos of my daughter's wedding. Hoping for more soon.