Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More light measurements

My office lighting is roughly two steps lower than sunrise light.

I retrieved my light meter's manual to get a conversion to lux. Just after Sunrise lux measurements are at 5000. With additional lighting in my cubicle lux measurement goes from 1300 to 2600.

Not quite there but better than 700 without additional lighting using only overhead lights.

More measurements are in order to get an good average. It was cloudy this morning so I'm not getting quite as bright readings. UV measurements are also necessary to get the whole picture on light exposure.

I woke up as usual at around 5:00 but was a little more tired than usual. I'm thinking I'll have to move my floor lamp to my office because it is brighter than my desk lamps. We'll see what other tweaking I have to do.
July 29, 2008

Still cloudy but I have a better handle on lux measurements. My light meter readings are EV (Exposure Value) readings which need to be converted. With the meter on the floor, readings are at EV 6.2. That tranlates into 160 lux. That's very dark. As I raise the meter to my desktop level EV readings are 7.7 to 8.4. Those readings tranlsate to 400-900 lux. Just a little above sunrise which Wikipedia reports as being 400 lux.

The link here shows a table that converts EV values to Lux:


The brightest spots on my cubicle read EV 9.x which translate to 1300-1800 lux. Without my additional lighting I go back to EV 7.4 which puts me back to 450 lux. Quite dark and not really noticeable because our eyes adjust. This low level of light while pleasant does not trigger the suppression of melatonin levels sufficiently so that feeling drowsy may last longer than needed. Coffee is the answer most seek which is probably not the best way to deal with this issue.

More measurements coming..

July 30, 2008

We experienced an earthquake at around noon, we are asked to leave the building so we all got a little sunshine. Problem is that around noon the UV levels are quite high. The weather service alert I receive posted an alert of 11+ The safe range is five or below. This link: http://www.epa.gov/sunwise/uvalert.html provides more information on UV index.

Getting enough sunlight is becoming a very delicate dance; but remembering that UV radiation is best avoided during the hours of 10:00AM and 4:00PM should give us plenty of light before and after. This morning for example the EV reading on my meter at 7:30AM was 10.6, a healthy 3600 lux. No UV worries at that time and the clouds presented an excellent soft light photo opportunity.

I'm waiting for a special light source called the LiteBook. Supposedly it improves energy, mood and a few other things. I'm giving it a try. The most appropriate time for testing it will be during the mid-afternoon when my body temperature drops and I feel the need to sleep. I would take a nap, I have a break during that time but it's very difficult to find a quiet spot to this in the shade.

Since I started applying some of the principles of light therapy (unbeknown to myself), my level of energy has improved. Most days I get up without an alarm as I have mentioned. The only change to this is when I wake up in the middle of a dream and can't go back to sleep.

Last night's dream is a case in point. I woke up in the middle of a brawl (in my dream), and I took a swing at one of the ruffians in my dream. I hit the night stand with my left fist, full on. I'm still hurting this morning. Since I woke up at 3:00AM yesterday, it changed for one day my energy levels. Then the earthquake hit, did not go to the gym and I was done. My energy levels were lower than usual in the afternoon.

August 2, 2008

This is the first real sunny mid day I've measured. The EVs starting from inside my home were 3,9, at the porch 7.9, underneath the shade of my Mulberry tree 9.6. At the edge of the shade. 11.6. Full sunlight 15.6.

August 9, 2008

Bright sunny day, I was out getting some light by 5:30AM and stayed out until 7:00AM when I finished my kettle bell workout.

I've received my litebook elite. This little device emulates sunlight without the UV radiation. I use in my office and at home since it's portable. it's hard to tell about the energy benefits so far since I'm getting as much light as I can during the day. In any case my dear wife is on the bandwagon. It takes about 30 days to start seeing results. The real test will be in the fall when it gets darker earlier.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The morning show

It's about 4:45 and I'm awake, I beat the alarm again! I usually go for a run this early and catch the sunrise. This morning I'm taking a break. I've made my breakfast and I'm sitting in from of my house under my Mulberry tree along with all the other critters enjoying the sunrise. No coffee necessary.

Since hardly anyone is up at this time, I've chosen my front yard to do kettlebell workouts on alternate days before anyone notices. I could do them in the back yard but then I would have to deal my dogs wanting some attention and I probably end up waking someone up. Ah here comes the Sun!

Ever since I started applying the suggestions in the powerful sleep system I recently acquired I generally have more energy and have no trouble sleeping.

Among them are:

  • Going to bed at the same time everyday no matter what (90% compliant).
  • As soon as you get up go outside, get some light (this is what I'm doing right now).
  • Take a nap sometime later in the day. This one is difficult because the office environment does not cater to this type of behavior.
  • Not in the book but I've given myself permission to just get up.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

3d Week 100Pushup Challenge

Today I started the third week of the 100 push up program. It's getting tougher to say the least. I completed 82 push up split into five sets. I was holding on to dear life at the end. I may have to go down a notch to be able to do this. Or change the rest periods between sets.

82 is quite an accomplishment so far. Adjustments are coming for sure!

Monday, July 21, 2008

When going to bed

I have modified my sleeping habits quite a bit and my energy and sleep patterns are much better.

Our room goes completely dark at night. I made some covers for the windows which block must of the light coming from outside. We make sure to cover alarm clocks, phones, radios and anything else that emits the smallest hint of light. There is also no Television in our room. There never has been and don't have plans to put one in either.

Recently I took out a basket of books I had on my night stand. No more reading in the bedroom either. Our room is now formally declared a sleeping zone.

As far as the alarm goes, I usually wake up before it goes off so it's just a precaution. Once in a while I'll take a little longer to get up. The important thing is that I have to get to bed by 10:30PM. That's my threshold. If I don't, I'll still get up around 4:30-4:45AM but my energy levels will be off a bit. Especially later during the day. Try four hours later which puts me in a collision course with office hours. I should have an alarm instead to let me know it's getting close to go to bed.

Getting enough and solid sleep is essential for the next day's activities. The first of which is going out for a run/sprints/Nordic walking and the rest. Catching the sunrise is a nice thing to do. Being alert at work is a good thing as well. More productive and such.

The one other modification I've made is brightening my cubicle area with full spectrum lamps. It's nice! I can actually see how dark hour office space really is.

My sleeping routine includes a mandatory nap between 4:00PM and 6:30PM. It's only ten minutes but the office is really not setup to do this sort of thing. So I try to take one nap just before going home at 6:00 or so. It really energizes me and makes for a pleasant evening. My mood is so much better as well.

Another thing that really wakes me up is listening to upbeat music. It sure gets my heart pumping and I'm ready to go again. The only danger is that I really want to start dancing and I sure can get carried away with that :-) To all my friends who let music, life and proper rest invigorate them.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday's trek

After this morning's 'trail' run I had the pleasant surprise to find myself locked out of the house. Apparently someone borrowed the house key and I did not notice it this morning when I went out on my little hike poling expedition.

It was a good thing! I was able to enjoy the run the clouded 'sunrise' and not worry about how I would get back in without waking everyone up. When it was time to get back in the house is when I realized the key was missing. It's still early enough to postulate that I may have dropped the key on the trail but that would be strange. The rest of the keys are intact, unless the house key slipped out of the key ring by itself. Keys are insensate so I don't think that's the case.

I was a little upset and started thinking, who took the key out of my key chain? :-( I took a deep breath and realized that no matter who, the important thing was what was I going to do? I am standing at the front door, completely soaked and in need of a shower because of the mephitic odors emanating from my wet clothing.

I decided to sit in front of the house (I have a nice park bench in front of our Mulberry tree) and read via audio books on my Ipod. After a while I decided to call in with my cell cuz I had to really go now (if you know what I mean)!

I was going to call my wife but the resulting tsuris from waking her up I surmised would not be worth it. So I called one of my twin boys who obliged and opened the door for me (they run often with me so I figured understanding of my predicament would be forthcoming). I was inside the house, finally! What should have taken an hour turned into two hours. Fortunately I had a super shake prior and during the run so I was able to cook my oatmeal calmly (after the shower) without waking anyone else up.

The oatmeal, ahh. What I joy.

Steel cut oats.
Green tea.
Half a banana.
Handful of almonds.
Psyllium Husks.
Vanilla Whey.

I feel good!

Sunday Sunrise

Woke up around 4:50 (body temperature rise), out for a run at 5:30AM.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Getting the most out of sleep!

This past week and a half, I have been consistently getting up before the alarm and going out on the trail to run/walk and catch the sunrise. It's cloudy today maybe that had an effect on me. I woke up at around the same time but made the mistake of not getting off bed.

I finally realized I was not going to sleep any more and here I am outside taking in the light. Feel so much better. I think I have discovered and finally understand the concept of keeping your sleep pattern the same even if it is the weekend.

Here is to having more time to enjoy life and making the most of your sleep time.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 2, day 2...

Today I again woke up at around 4:45. Did not want to wake my wife up so I sneaked out of bed as quietly as possible. Had a large drink of water and went out hike poling. It's really nice to be out early morning. I practically own the trail at that time. I specifically went off trail (on the dirt). Wanted to work on my balance and while I was not huffing and puffing I sure did perspire quite a bit. The mephitic odors coming from my high tech shirt are a sign that I need a good scrubbing :-).

I was conscious of not over doing it. I have another bout during my lunch (the 100 push up challenge program) and there is a concert after work. Yes sir! This should be fun! Staying alive, staying alive.... oh, sorry, I was donning a white suit there for a second. Actually not a good site, completely white.. makes me look fat!

The expected workout for today is then to hit a max of push ups after four sets with 90 second rests in between. Exactly what that is I can't remember. The hundredpushups.com website is refusing to let me in.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

94.6, 96.7, 97.1, 97.7

Body temperature throughout the day. I'm trying to figure out what is the best time to take a power nap and where to perform better at my job. Today drowsiness came in at 4:00, went away and back at 5:15. My idea is to park the car underneath a shade to be able to take a 10 minute nap. Let's see how this project goes.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The ladder workout

How to use a ladder to workout without really trying.

In the last couple of days, actually it's been the last couple of weekends, I have been doing work around and inside my home.

From getting on the roof to get access to tree limbs to cut them to light and fan installations. All required the use of a ladder.

Yesterday my legs were sore. And I knew I had gone out for a fast walk in the morning, I had done some sprints the previous day but nothing out of the ordinary. Not the kind of soreness produced by those particular activities.

Then it dawned on me. I had been climbing up and down the ladder. Which really involve lunges, single leg squat variations and presses when holding fan motors and tools above your shoulders for minutes at at time. I was not counting but therein lies the source of my 'soreness'. Going up and down really worked me and being on my feet balancing on the ladder was far longer than most workouts I engage in.

So there you have it. Next time you need to do work around the home do it with gusto, give it all you got and you will earn your lunch snack or dinner.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The third day is coming...

On Friday July 11th, 2008 my third workout building up to 100 push ups. The plan is to hit a higher amount of push ups overall with a little longer rest between sets. Again I did not pay attention to the instructions on the last bout and I did not rest long enough between sets. I still did good but I certainly will be paying attention to the rest periods on this next attempt.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Day 2 (100 push up quest)

After a good rest yesterday, I performed my second day of the 100 push up program. It consisted of push up in sets of 1x9, 1x8, 1x6, 1x5 and 1x10 plus a bonus 1x3. I'll be doing some more stretches in a bit to make sure that I stay limber or at least improve.

The one thing I can say is that I felt really strong. I did a total of 41 push up plus a 1.5 mile walk and sprints. I earned my carbs today.

Day three is next and I can feel the improvement already.


The Saga Continues...

Today is my second day of training to get to the 100 push up max. I'm including a stretching program on my routines on a more structured basis to prevent injuries as experienced last week. Nothing major but certainly annoying!

I need to be more limber and the tightness around my shoulders and generally my left side are somewhat inhibitting.

This morning I had beef stew, chicken and vegetabels for breakfast. I should have warmed up more. My mistake was not measuring the portions. I'm not entirely satisfied. I'll keep that in mind for next time.

Monday, July 07, 2008

100 pushups

I began my quest to hit 100 consecutive pushups yesterday. Typical guy, I read the manual carefully after I started and found some parts that did not fit anywhere. So I went back to review the program.

Where I got that I was supposed to do them every day, I have no idea. But here is what happen. I did 10 pushups on my initial test. That same day (Sunday), I did 3x9 and 2x8 for a total of 43 pushups. Today I did 5x7 for a total of 35 pushups. I'm supposed to take a day off tomorrow and hit it the floor again on Wednesday with the following: 1x9, 1x8, 1x6, 1x5 and the last 1x(max) at least 7. I'm supposed to rest 90 seconds between sets.

I've done two days in a row, thank God I checked the program cause I was hurting today. This is supposed to be a rest week and I'm going crazy with this. No kettelbell workouts for sure.

There you have it, the beginning of a new peak. Check out the program here: http://www.hundredpushups.com/index.html


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Pancakes after a workout

Since I joined the Precision Nutrition forum and getting the plan, I've learned a few things that have helped me break the plateau I was stock in for months.

I'm eating vegetables on most meals in the day. The other is the timing of eating carb loaded foods like pancakes. This is the recipe I've adapted to my life style.

I call the kettle bell pancakes not necessarily because of the ingredients but the manner in which I make them.

The ingredients are:

100% Whole wheat flour.
100% Bran (additional fiber).
Steel Cut Oats (ground on coffee grinder).
Ground Flax seed.
Egg whites (sometimes the whole egg depending on how I feel).
Vanilla Whey protein powder.
Milk (your choice).
Coconut Oil

While cooking each pancake set of two, I perform kettle bell moves. 30 to 45 swings per side. In twenty minutes you have an excellent workout plus you really have earned your pancakes. Green tea is also consumed while working out.

Today I made a batch of about 20 pancakes. Enough for the whole family and tomorrow!


Friday, July 04, 2008

Strength "Challange"

While visiting the Precision Nutrition forum I came across a program called Greasing the Groove (GTG). It's designed to improve workout performance in certain exercises (push ups, pull ups, sit ups). So I'm on it. Coincidentally I came across this site: http://www.hundredpushups.com/ which details a program to increase your push up max to 100 plus. Six weeks to a hundred push ups. Interesting and will give this a try as well.

Swimming bout

It's been a while since I've been in the pool. I just saw the Olympic trials and while the only competition I'll see is if I join the masters, I'm ready for a dip in the fast lane. Mike Phelps and Dara Torres sure look smooth in the water. That's what I have in common. Not speed but smoothness. So here we go. Time to get my swim workout book out. And for the las time, Dara Torres is NOT OLD!