There is a lot of talk about second hand smoke and the effect it has on our health. I'm not exposed to the traditional second hand smoke (from smokers). I live in California and smoking in public places is prohibited everywhere. Cars, that's another story, but I digress.
It may be that second hand smoke is over hyped but there is something we don't hear enough about. This will ruin your lungs just as effectively as a smoking a pack a day.
You want to know what it is? Bacon and deli meats. In fact any cured meats that have nitrates in them will do this for you. Free of charge!
I had read about this in some 'health' websites and I thought that they were just overdoing it. I did a little research and still was not convinced. There is a study for everything under the sun that 'proves' this or that.
Apparently nitrates are the evil thing described in many articles.
COPD? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. I'm sure there are a myriad of ways to get this, one of them is ingesting enough nitrates in your diet over time.
Heating these cured meats by some cooking method, 'enhances' the nitrate effect. Just lovely! So I stay of the cigarettes because I don't want to get emphysema. I choose to eat turkey breast for a 'healthy' sandwich and I'm toast.
I'm sure that the folks who thought of putting nitrates in our meats did not mean to harm us. But like many things that our advanced society has come up with, we end up in a world of trouble. Researchers at Columbia University found this little 'nitrate' gem.