Blogging and Journaling
I started blogging some years ago as a way to do journaling. It morphed into various activities but I quickly learnt that putting very personal items on a blog was not a good idea.
My venture in blogging continues and have now started journaling again using a specific kind of software to journal. Well, I really have not decided on which one, I still have my book where I hand wrote my thoughts for a while so I'll just do both until one of them wins.
Writing in it will allow me to voice anything I feel without exposing myself to internet predators. Stupid and irrational remarks will go there (therefore not create too much problems for me). :-)
So today I begin and will use of my journal comments as the basis for some blog posts as well. This way it will give me a chance to think things over.
The things on my mind and not necessarily in this order are:
My family.
My spiritual growth.
My finances.
My daughter (part of my family of course but specifically my daughter).
My dear wife (she's been on vacation, I miss her), there I said it. Call me a milksop if you must but that's how it is.
Work and programming code.
Health (related to food and family).
My mom.
I have not posted anything here since my dear father passed away because I just did not want to let that post go into oblivion but it will resurface of that I'm sure.