True Friends
"There are those acquaintances that are disposed to tear each other to pieces, but there are friends that are willing to stick up for you more than a relative" Proverbs 18:24.
And so I have special people in my life that look after my well being with adroitness, and deal with my quiddities without a blink, and surely by their actions keep my spirits soaring.
And how do such friendships begin?
A chance meeting, unpredictable circumstances are the soil for long lasting friendships. Once known, if the soil and soul are well watered, roots will become strong.
"With regard to the choice of friends, there is little to say; for a friend is never chosen. A secret sympathy, the attraction of a thousand nameless qualities, a charm in the expression of the countenance, even in the voice or manner, a similarity of circumstances--these are the things that begin attachment."
- Mrs. Anna Letitia Barbauld
An interesting study on friendships below:
The motto would then be: Once a friend made, and found a gem, do you utmost to keep same.
"There are many moments in friendship, as in love, when silence is beyond words. The faults of our friend may be clear to us, but it is well to seem to shut our eyes to them. Friendship is usually treated by the majority of mankind as a tough and everlasting thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment. But this is an exceedingly great and foolish error; it may die in an hour of a single unwise word; its conditions of existence are that it should be dealt with delicately and tenderly, being as it is a sensitive plant and not a roadside thistle. We must not expect our friend to be above humanity." - Ouida (pseudonym of Marie Louise de la Ramee)

And so I have special people in my life that look after my well being with adroitness, and deal with my quiddities without a blink, and surely by their actions keep my spirits soaring.
And how do such friendships begin?
A chance meeting, unpredictable circumstances are the soil for long lasting friendships. Once known, if the soil and soul are well watered, roots will become strong.
"With regard to the choice of friends, there is little to say; for a friend is never chosen. A secret sympathy, the attraction of a thousand nameless qualities, a charm in the expression of the countenance, even in the voice or manner, a similarity of circumstances--these are the things that begin attachment."
- Mrs. Anna Letitia Barbauld
An interesting study on friendships below:
The motto would then be: Once a friend made, and found a gem, do you utmost to keep same.
"There are many moments in friendship, as in love, when silence is beyond words. The faults of our friend may be clear to us, but it is well to seem to shut our eyes to them. Friendship is usually treated by the majority of mankind as a tough and everlasting thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment. But this is an exceedingly great and foolish error; it may die in an hour of a single unwise word; its conditions of existence are that it should be dealt with delicately and tenderly, being as it is a sensitive plant and not a roadside thistle. We must not expect our friend to be above humanity." - Ouida (pseudonym of Marie Louise de la Ramee)
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