Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sugar is sugar or maybe not...

Apparently High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is OK in moderation. So is Nicotine in moderation. How about Cocaine in moderation? Arsenic anyone? A bit extreme yes, but so are the commercials trying to pass off junk food as good for us.

Depending on who you ask and what size you're getting, a can of soda can contain from 9 to 12 teaspoons of sugar. Is that moderate?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Keeping your business

Today is the busiest day for restaurants across the US. The long lines, packed to the hilt reception areas don't help all the confusion. We decided to avoid the whole affair and order out. In this the busiest day of the year, even that does not work. I went to the restaurant to pick up my food, 'curb side', and promptly was greeted by one of the restaurant staff with my food. Or so I thought. I paid for the food and went on my merry way.

Back home I announced that my hunting and gathering had been successful and everyone could now enjoy a nice cooked meal. Only problem was that my food was not in the bag and one other item had been changed from the menu at the restaurant's discretion. Similar item, just not the one ordered.

I was mildly upset for not having checked the bag when I got there but we called the restaurant and they realized their mistake as well. The management offered to give me discount once I got back to pick up the missing item. I went back and was greeted by the manager, who was trying to keep things in order, the restaurant was even more packed than when I was there some minutes ago. I proceeded to merrily get my missing item and was then informed that not only was I getting a discount but the whole bill was being voided.

So I got a free lunch minus the gas and time. I say it was a pretty good deal. No one was nasty or belligerent, especially me, and so I'll be able to go back to the restaurant without feeling embarrassed. They have my business.

The manager handled the situation quite well under all the pressure and craziness that such days as today elicit.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Spring beauty

While doing some grilling in my backyard I took some photos from our
garden. This flower was just there calling for attention. Hope you see
what I did.

Friday, May 01, 2009

A week worth of training

This week marks the first of a few coming weeks where I'll be putting some extra time training at the gym or on the road. With trails lke these is hard not to go outside and enjoy some fresh air.

It's also a break from all the weightlifting during some days of the week and primarily from all the sitting at work. I'm thinking of ways to stand up more while working. I'm thinking of buying a drawing table so I can do my mind maps while on my feet. Cutting some time off from the eight hours or so I spend sitting.

I did some pole/hiking today and it was great!