Friday, December 19, 2008

No checks or cash....

It's now about a week since we arrived in Orlando, Florida.  One of the first things we had to do upon arriving was to obtain a rental car. What happened next is but a glimpse of why we have economic problems.

I read an article about the issue of saving and not using credit whenever possible. One of the issues mentioned in various sources about  our economic woes has to do with how Americans don't save enough. How we all live in a credit driven world.

I tried on this vacation to be as frugal as possible and not rely so much on credit cards.

My first taste of reality and how impractical this has become happened right at the rental car company. Yes we had reserved the car months in advance and you have to give them a credit card number to do this.

The thing about the whole experience is related to trying to use my ATM/VISA to pay for the rental. I figured no one refuses cash. The car company did! They wanted a real credit card! I was told I could not use my ATM/VISA because people apparently have used it before and then claimed they did not rent the car. I'm not sure how one accomplishes such a dastard deed but I was about to be put through the ringer.

I asked if they knew of a bank near by so I could get some cash. It did not matter, the car rental company does not accept cash. Safety reasons.

My bank does not allow me to take more than $600.00 cash so that was a moot point since the bill was $1400.00.  I ended up renting the car with a credit card. Had no choice but to do this. I'll pay the whole thing off soon enough but it just seems that the whole country has been cajoled into a lifestyle that inevitably leads to what we are enduring right now.

Yes, Americans are not saving. Just be aware that having saved your money does not stir you clear of this mess. The sings usually say: No personal checks accepted. Soon they'll be changed to: No cash or checks accepted!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Kettlebell Flight

My family and I are going to visit relatives and friends in Florida this month of December. I wanted to take my kettlebell on our trip for maintaining our exercise routines. I'm travelling on JetBlue so I called them last night to find out if there would be any problems in me taking a kettlebell with my luggage.

The person I talked to was very nice and looked up as much information as she could. She was not familiar witht kettlebells. I had the pleasure of introducing them to her and I described it as a bowling ball with a handle. Bowling balls are Ok to take on trips I was told so my kettlebell is going with me on this trip.

The particular kettlebell I'm a talking is called the 'Bulldog Kettlebell". You can see it here:

Now the site does mention that they have taken their kettlebells with them on flights but I had to check on my end. In any case, the lady seemed very interested so I referred her to the site above. She was thinking of buying one for her son who plays baseball in college.

I got my answer and introduced her to something new that perhaps she will start using herself. In any case it seems that I made a sale. Where's my commission? :-)

Friday, December 05, 2008

Speedy Gonsalez

Recently I came across some information in the various fitness sites about workout duration. After workout calorie burn and Tabata protocols are the rage.

To tell you the truth, spending as little time as possible exercising is appealing. No more long bouts, dragging yourself off the tarp, barely making it to the shower.

The link below explains some of the concepts in more detail.

I'm adjusting my workouts accordingly. I have been doing the exercises described in the bodybuilding link for a while but for longer periods of time. Enough of that. I'm giving the shorter workouts a try.

One thing to note is that the intensity has to be brought up a notch or two or four, depending on what you have been doing. I have been exercising all year so I can put up with sprints and short intense bouts.

I'm now involved in a fat loss program mixed with Escalating Density workouts.

Today's workout went like this:

Five minutes stationary bike warm-up (two twenty second sprints thrown in there for good measure).

Deadlifts: 15x5 for about fifteen minutes. (155lbs)
Bulgarian Split Squats with Press 4x3 (20lbs)

Five minutes stationary bike cool down (two twenty second sprints to finish off).

One more week of this and I'm off on vacation. I'll be doing this type of workout while in Florida.