Monday, January 28, 2008

¡La flor desconocida!

My contribution to poetry, this written in Spanish dedicated to all those who go unnoticed and taken for granted. Inspired by people I know and some that will never cross my path; but who nevertheless fit the description. I hope those who fully understand these words can see what is expressed here in people they know.

… existe otra flor. Tan bella y atractiva que despide su encantadora fragancia todo el año, no solo en primavera o en verano. Su color es singular y entre todas las demás hasta casi produce un desmayar, despide rallos de luz que como espejo reflejan la luz del sol a través de una singular sonrisa que refresca como una suave brisa. Sus raíces vienen de la tierra del café, el cacao y el Quetzal y aunque no es reconocida por los botanistas en general, su presencia es tan cautivadora como cualquier monumento nacional.

Ha veces su encantadora sonrisa proyecta alegría o tal vez simpatía pero nunca falla de llenar lo que falta en otros a través del día. Cuando no sonríe, será por tristeza o serenidad o melancolía por su tierra natal, no falta de causar intriga y curiosidad. Es en verdad otra flor hasta ahora desconocida que inspira en realidad.

En una tierra lejana fuera de su país natal, fue descubierta esta bella flor por ojos observadores de la belleza natural. No será catalogada como las demás por ser única y especial. La realidad del caso es que no se puede en un libro o en letras en papel catalogar ni describir en pleno su impacto total.

En altas horas de la noche o la madrugada a través de visiones y sueños cautivadores esa bella flor adorna el jardín del corazón, por que es fantástica, dinámica y divina no es sin razón que produce tal sensación; y aunque no llena el requisito de la botánica en general, no es inferior y no deja de ser muy superior.

Doctos en la materia dialogaran, pondrán al frente mucha especulación, polémica y discusión y no hallaran razón. Pero no se dan cuenta que esto solo se puede ver a través de los ojos del corazón. Lo singular y distintivo es que al pasar el tiempo no pierde su valor ni su encanto como cualquier otra flor. Su color vuelve a resaltar y hace el corazón palpitar por no ser verde como las demás pero mejor se describe su color como miel oscura dulce al paladar y piel morena más atractiva que rozas en docena.

Si tan solo se pudiera anunciar al mundo este gran descubrimiento y no dar por sentado lo que de seguro otros por una razón u otra no han notado pero que a mi ser a cautivado. Existe en otro jardín y solo a distancia se puede describir lo que a tientas y sombras en el bello atardecer sus destellos de luz dejan iluminar y presenciar.

O que flor, existe otra flor, sí, era desconocida pero no para siempre y seria imposible que en ese estado fuera a permanecer. Sí, esa adorable flor no se puede con el sentido del tacto acariciar, pero no por eso se ha de despreciar. Si alguien logra en realidad presenciar la belleza de esta flor, de cerca o de lejos, no pasara desapercibido lo que en estas pocas letras y palabras he reconocido.

Escrita por Otto Astorga (c) 2008.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Providence Workout

Today I did the Providence workout. It's 14 rounds of 2 minutes each with 1 minute rest in between. Once you finish that you do a three minute one arm snatch and press to really torture yourself.

If I can I'll post a video of what I look like after the workout. Pretty sad. I was struggling by the 8th round and the kettlebell size kept getting smaller but they sure did not feel lighter.

I mainly used the 16kg, 12kg and 8kg bells. I also did some lateral arm raises standing on a balancing board with 4.4kg kettlebell to warm up. Boy, I have a long way to go, that's for sure!

The workout video I own, was ordered from Most kettlebells I ordered from I'm not sure if I'll be ordering anything bigger than the 16kg for now. It gets really tough by the end of the work out to hold the 8kgs.

I had a nice protein shake right afterwards with some eggs and vegetables. In the words of the father of Soul: "I feel good!"

Onward,, Going long!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Kettlebell par deux

I finally have a good assortment of kettlebells. 4.4kg, 8kg, 12kg and 16kg. The 4.4kg is nice for doing lateral arm raises. I do this while standing on a balance board. I find the workout more exciting and challenging this way. In fact I've incorporated the balance board while watching TV.

I'm looking forward to my next kettlebell workout now that I have all necessary bells; we'll see how I do. I know my boys have already started the kettlebell workouts with their friends and they now realize that the workouts are tougher than they appear. A good changeup from our normal routine.

I've taken the kettlebells to the local community gym where I regularly workout and they have been pretty well received. It would be nice if the gym acquired some, this way I would not have to carry them in every time I need to use them. On the other hand, since the kettlebells are my personal property, I have exclusive use of them during my workout. So I guess things are fine as they are.

Next, a seven mile fast run. Onward.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Almost twenty...

My twin sons at the fourteenth mile mark or our twenty mile run / walk this past
Saturday. Took a different route this time. Went up Turnbull Canyon Road in Whittier, Ca. It was our first time running up the old fire road. I was particularly concerned that due to my previous basketball injury, completing the twenty miles was not going to be possible. Our day's accomplishment put a quietus to the issue as I did fine and recovered quite well.

We're coming up on twenty-three mile distance in a few weeks, we will do more of Turnbull Canyon next time. Hope the weather is as nice as this time. They will be twenty this coming October as well. We'll have our Marathon training experiences to share and hopefully the real thing this coming March 15th, 2008.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What's on the menu?

Finally was able to include kettlebells on my workout routines. I'm keeping simple but it's a welcome change from the regular workouts with weights. There seems to be a ton of routines for these critters and I'm sure I'll be trying as many as possible.

Last workout was a mix of Romanian Dead Lifts with Kettlebell squat, swing and press.


Friday, January 04, 2008


Over the last month our training has been moving right along. We are at the 17 mile mark and soon will be hitting 19.

One caveat, I could not resist playing some hoops and I got hurt. I did make the winning basket on a couple of games but in retrospect (read pain), I should have stayed away from the court. Finishing the 17 miles was  a bear. My left foot (the injured party), let me know in no uncertain terms that basketball induced injuries are not part of the marathon training. They are not worth it no matter how good that last basket may have made me feel. 

Our last run was a 7 miler in Pismo Beach, Ca. Running in the sand was just such a nice experience, and it helped by not having to run on a hard surface. The only thing I regret was not taking a photo of our little adventure (my sons and I were in full marathon regalia), we'll do it again.

I now now at exactly what point my sons pass me when sprinting. We did 5, 10, and 20 second sprints on the beach. My oldest twin son passes me at the 2 second mark. My youngest twin son (a difference of an hour and half from the eldest), passes me at the 5 second mark.  It's fun trying to keep up with them. Although I still rule in the long distance category, only because of mental training. I'm sure they'll get there as well.

My foot injury has forced me to x-out of the LA Marathon. I figured I need a couple of recovery weeks so we're doing the Catalina Island marathon.  It should be fun. There's boat rides to the start, softer running trails, so I'm looking forward to it.