Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday's Menu


Food ItemQuantityCalories
Green Tea2 Cups2

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today's Workout
Jump Rope, Stationary Bike, Treadmill, Reaction Ball drills: 547 Cals.

Today's Lunch
Rice with Chiken
1 1/2 cups

Pinto Beans
1 cup

Freezed Dried Vegetables
1 Cup

Snack (11:00Am)

String Cheese
2 Oz


Today's Breakfast


Low Fat Milk
1 Cup

Dark Chocolate
1 Cube

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mid Morning Snack

Food Item                       Quantity              Calories       
Sprouted Grain Bread    3 slices                    240    
Almond Butter               1.5 Tbsp                  140    
Blueberry Spread           1 Tsp                         40   
                                            Total                     420    


Food Item Quantity Calories
Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt 1/2 Cup 110
Vanilla Whey 36 grams 180
Bluberries 1 Cup 80
Banana Large 120
Non Fat Milk 1 Cup 90
Spirullina 1 Tbsp 10
Freezed Dried Veggies 1 Tbsp 20
Total 610

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I used 6,000 calories plus on the Marathon. It still does not mean that I can eat with abandon. I did enjoy my hamburger and a couple of brownies though. :-)

LA Marathon 2007: Game’s over man….. for now!

Well, the LA Marathon came and went.

My unofficial time was 7:09.xx.

Lessons learned.

I was not familiar at all with the new route. I forgot that the first mile and a half was actually up-hill (I had ridden this area mane years ago on my bike).

Lesson 1: Preview the course (If the route is changed again next year, I’ll make sure to do that).

I trained for three months, did 1200 and 800 meter repeats, tempo runs, long runs, slow runs, etc.

Lesson 2: I really need to train for six months like before. Three months for me does not cut it.

I ran with a friend and we had discussed parting ways at some point if one of us hit the wall. I actually stayed with her the rest of the way and helped her finished.

Lesson 3: There is no glory if there is no personal sacrifice. My PR awaits for another day.

In my previous Marathons, I cramped up really bad at mile 7 and mile 13 respectively. That did not happen this year at all. I felt it coming but it never happened. I was quite rested when I got to the finish.

Lesson 4: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I thought I had done that before but I really understand how to hydrate now. I drank 32 ounces of Accelerade about an hour before the race start and drank my 64 oz supply during the race plus whatever I could get at water stations. I did have to go to the restroom twice but really did not loose any time at all doing that. Accelarade it is.

After the run I immediately took an ice bath. It started with a warm shower, 5 minute dunk in my portable tub with ice, back to the warm water, dunk in ice, warm shower, ice again and finish with short warm shower. I also iced specific areas of my right heel and left foot. I was able to run/walk a 3 miler the next day.

Lesson 5: Ice baths are very good for fast recoveries along with the right amount of training.

I have come to like this type of event.

Lesson 6: I have come to love this type of event!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Carbo loading…

I’m going to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. I’ve been ready to go all week. Finally I’ll go have my favorite dish. Spinach Tortellini, everything on the side.

Now it is customary to have a pre-race carbo loading dinner. The truth is that it does not really help for race day, unless you started carbo loading a week before (which I did). It just a nice tradition but there should really be a big carbo loading ritual way before the race.

For now I’ll just enjoy.

P.S. I wanted to go with a couple of friend and enjoy the company but that never materialized. I’m still not going by myself, my daughter and friend are going with me.

Bring it on!

Lessons learned

As I write this, I'm watching last years race (LA Marathon March 19, 2006), hopefully this years race will teach me more about the race. But first, what I learned the first time I did the LA Marathon.

Race walking was what I chose. I was really excited. I was two meters away from the starting line (can you spell dumb and crazy!).

The gun went off and my race walking technique kicked in. I was actually passing runners. And kept passing them until a little past mile 7. Can't remember the exact mile marker, the pain from both legs cramping up was just excruciating.

The 19 miles that were left were done at a more humble pace and the pain from the original cramps I experienced never did go away during the trek. I do remember mile 19, because at that spot, there were a group of volunteers spraying participants with some kind of pain killer. I volunteered for the experiment and almost fell on top of one of them as my legs were just about shot.

The finish line was full of joy, my race walking technique was back and people were cheering (I thought the cheers were for me), but I was in full tear mode. You really can't see that at the finish photo but a valuable lesson was learned.

Start farther back!

The best part (LA 2007)

What is the best part of the Marathon for me?

It's not the finish. Well it's related to the finish.

I make arrangements to get picked up after the race is over. And so, my son (Hanci), has been good to me in picking me up as I stagger out the area. Riding home with him is actually what I enjoy most, for about an hour, is just me and him and traffic of course. We talk and reminisce and I'm thank-full to have that time with him.

In the words of a famous character: I am your father!

Chip and Bib

I picked up my Bib and chip Friday March 2, 2007. For some reason getting those items are the most anxious part of this whole thing for me. Last year a friend of mine, did not get to the convention center on time and could not get her bib and other items.

My number is 5721. I signed up the next day after last year’s marathon run, I still got a pretty high number. This year if it's open, I'm signing up on the same evening of March 4th.

Dress rehearsal

Thursday, March 1, 2007. I went to they gym and got on the treadmill. Ran 3.5 miles walking for 1 minute at the mile mark. That's my stragety for March 4 at the LA Marathon.

If I can control myself, and I will, in the beginning, I will keep my heart rate to about 60-65% to not burn out at the end. This years training involved more running than speed walking, so we’ll see what happens.