Friday, June 30, 2006

X'50'X'6C'X'61'X'6E'X'74'X'61'X'72' X'46'X'61'X'73''X63'X'69'X'6 9'X'74'X69'X'73' X'50'X'69'X'72'X'66'X'6F'X72'X'6D'X'69'X'73'

I got it for sure...I finally admitted to myself.

Treatment started this morning.

Three times a day. Stretch Achilles Tendon and Plantar Fascia upon getting up and twice more during the day. Ice at night. Stretch foot with towel before getting off bed.

Six weeks to heal.

There goes my world record!

Must tell the others............

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Chariots on Fire (June 27, 2006)

Or why you should listen to what your body is telling you.

Recently I've been experiencing some pain on my right foot. It all started when I was training for the LA Marathon last March (3/19/06). Pain had gone away but it came back. So I'm doing the ice and stretching routine plus massage therapy. I have a special roller I use while sitting at my computer.

Meanwhile, biking, swimming and weight lifting should keep me in shape. The other thing is the need for sleep. Many studies confirm that lack of it cause more than just sleepiness and lack of productivity at work. Neurological problems arise from lack of sleep and certainly performance is impacted if you're doing any kind of workout. I think sometimes we stay up because we have this gnawing feeling that 'we're going to miss something' if we don't stay up and 'the night's young'. Well it's true. We're missing something, sleep and the regenerative benefits that come from it.

This is how it works. From what I've read, the hours of 9:00 - 2:00 PM, are the physical rebuilding (muscle repair) part of sleep. After that it's the mental recovery that we receive, dreaming and such. Staying up doing whatever we think is pressing, over time hurts us in more ways than we can imagine. We all age but continually missing sleep will speed up the process. Artificial lighting has been a mixed blessing. It has extended our day, but we sure are paying for it in health terms. Even birds are affected by light pollution. I read an article about how confused migrating flocks have become due to the city lights. Birds landing in places way off their destinations. We just don't know as much as we think we do!

One sure way of telling if you're missing recovery time (sleep, rest, etc), is how long it takes for soreness to go away from a hard workout. Catching colds frequently is a sure sign of some immune deficiency, lack of rest etc. This brings up something I'm very happy about. In the last four years I've not gotten as sick as I used to. The last time I had flu like symptoms was about seven months ago and that lasted a whole half a day (1/2). Prior to that it was a year. I can't remember now how long it's been since I've really gotten sick. I like it, I like at lot! :-) Other's around me have gotten sick more often. Yes, I'm counting my blessings!

Last night I went to bed, later than usual, so this morning, naturally, my walk and workout were not as efficient. But I had an excellent breakfast again and feel quite good. If I can wake up by myself before the alarm goes off, I'm good.

This morning's walk, included some nice surprises. I was followed by a dog and I thought, oh boy, another confrontation. Well it turns out the critter just wanted some company it seems. It followed me closely as I zig zagged on the trail and was just happy to go along. I also got some nice photos of the flowers you see below .

So I'm paying attention to my body, eating my blueberries and dark chocolate. I'm lean, strong, healthy and happy. When I go long, I experience God's patience.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Series of Fortunate Events

Above, what you missed last Saturday :-)

Recording the day's events.

Mud slinging!


Hard at work!

Rescue attempt (John coaching every step of the way)!

Archeological discovery (even the site is happy we're moving along)!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

From my phone..

Now I can use the phone for this. We'll see how it goes.

If you can't take the heat..

Stay out the kitchen (my wife definitely wants me out).

Yesterday I work up at around 5:15 AM w/o the alarm. I was ready to go. I knew I would be having a strenuous workout later during the lunch hour so I wanted to have a really good breakfast.

I decided to have my favorite egg omelet with mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, onions and broccoli. Cooked with coconut oil. It's the bomb!

It was early so I got up quietly and headed towards the kitchen. Things starting going down hill from there. I could not find the pot to cook the eggs and dropped one of the stainless still pots on the floor. This made the loudest noise possible. I gained my composure and scrambled the eggs. I had over a half a dozen eggs left so I decided to place them in an egg container in the refrigerator. I picked the first one out the carton and alas! That was the one balancing the whole thing on the edge of the counter.

The whole carton came crashing to the floor and now I had scrambled eggs on the kitchen floor. Cleaning that mess up was not fun (chasing egg yolks on a slippery surface), the object was not to let my wife know it had happened. At this point I realized I did not have enough vegetables so I got up on a chair (instead of the ladder) and got some from the pantry up above. That's when the cans of freeze dried vegetables decided to have a meeting and another bang was heard in the kitchen. It' now 6:00 AM. I finally finish the eggs and ate them (that was not before I managed to spill some of them on the dining table).

Before going to work I decided to shave. I quietly started shaving when I hit the can of shaving cream and knocked it down (why are this things so loud in the morning). That's minus three demerits.

I left the room (I know my wife is looking at me with piercing eyes at this point). Go back to the kitchen to grab a couple of things for my lunch box and you guessed it. When I went to retrieve the item in question, a bottle of Gatorade came flying out and hit the floor. Oh, the humanity of it all. It's now 7:00 AM. I finally leave the house.

When I get to work I remembered. The freeze dried cans that were now empty were supposed to be placed in the recycling bin. Nope didn't do that either. Oh boy. My name is mud. The rest of the day at work and my workout went really well. After all I was really awake now!

Later in the evening, I began to prepare a whole papaya by cutting into small cubes so I could have it the next day for breakfast or snack. I don't know what is it about me and utensils but, guess what. Somehow slices of papaya ended up all over the stove, in the handle to the oven and on the floor. Felt like morning all over again.

I cleaned that mess up! I'm supposed to be cooking for myself in the first part of August (were all going on vacation and my wife is leaving first with the kids), I hope this is not a portent of things to come.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Getting back on the saddle…

or why we should face our fears head on.

This morning I went out for a walk/ run on the soon to be bike trail here in Whittier. There’s lots of activity and some trees and shrubbery have been cut by the city workers. We’ll see how things move along in the summer.

In any case I have been thinking about the dog incident a few weeks ago. I finally gathered the courage to go again. I picked up a couple of good size rocks and had them at the ready just in case. I also carried my small monopod (good for steadying the camera and holding off dogs if need be). At around 9:00 am I went out, it was already hot. I started by walking and picking up the pace until I broke into a run.

As I got closer and closer to the area where my four legged friends had escaped and accosted me, my heart begun to beat furiously. I observed the area and to my dismay, the wooden fence was now completely down this time. Oh boy, here we go again. I decided to keep going, come what may. As I got closer a sigh or relief could have been heard if anyone was around. The owner had put a chain link fence where the old wooden fence stood before. There were no dogs barking so everything seemed in order. I relaxed once again and ran past the area. It felt good to be out and about. Other dogs barked but there was nothing to fear now. I got to my waypoint and started back again.

Passing the dreaded area again, I could not help but to have all these evil thoughts. I imagined myself facing the dogs again and ...well I woke up and kept running. The heat was really something. My average Hear Rate beat was 119. Max was 177. I burned a total of 1118 calorie on this run. I took 20% off for accuracy and settled at 894 calories for this hour. I will sleep better because the nightmare is over. Although, I will carry my monopod or a walking stick from now on. Let’s see. Now I ware my gloves all the time, cause I fell last time and I’m not going through that again. I carry my fanny back with water, phone, other items just in case plus my monopod. What’s next? The important thing is that Jack is back!

There is another reason I push myself to keep running. This picture should tell it all. That was four years ago at around 280lb. Never again dogs or not!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Happy are the ones that eat their blueberries for they will receive many antioxidants through their body.

Happy are the ones eating dark chocolate, its bitterness will give you sweet health.

Happy are the ones eating their veggies for they will rebuild their body.

Happy are the ones eating yogurt for they will have much beneficial bacteria to help digestion.

Happy are you when people think you're weird and laugh at you cause you take care of yourself, you will outlive them.

Happy are the ones that run/walk because the adrenaline and endorphins through their body will make them feel good.

Happy are the ones proud of their new found health because they will sleep better.

Happy are those staying away from donuts, refined sugars, they will save their teeth and avoid diabetes.

Happy are the ones taking in sun for D vitamin will protect them.

Happy are the ones drinking water for it's earth's milk and it will cleanse you whole.

Loosely based on Mathew 5:3-10  :-)

I felt so good this morning after eating a wholesome breakfast, I got silly.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Set backs...

Or what do to when you fall down.

I've been tracking my food intake on and off for quite a while. I started again cause in the last month I decided I was not going to need the tracking anymore. Lo and behold I started eating too much without noticing (well I had an inkling but there was no scientific proof).

I started to notice that my weight changed (it went up). Now here is the thing. The scale is not the best thing to use, weight varies during the day so it's very unreliable. Nevertheless numbers do have an effect on your psyche. So just to make sure, I'm tracking again. I have made a switch on my oatmeal breakfast from bananas to Papaya.  The potassium content in the Papaya fruit is wayyyyyy higher than bananas, and calorie wise, much less also.

My breakfast today as I logged on goes like this then.

1 cup of Papaya cubes (I got up early in the morning to do this).
1/2 cup of Oat Meal
1/2 cup of raw milk.
.25 cup of flax seed (ground)
Ground cinnamon
Green tea as the foundation to cook the oat meal
12 almonds (ground)

More importantly this is what I can do at my workout level.

Squats 245 lbs (10 reps) no problem.
Dead lifts 315 lbs (bear grip) did it once, the rest I did with a hook, it's my lower back and legs I'm working here anyway.

Leg press 375 lbs (10 reps) no problem.
Jump rope 100 jumps w/o stopping. 20-30 on one leg (must make go longer).

Run on the tread mill. Hit the 10 mph mark four times for 30 seconds within twenty minutes.

I can now do a negative chin-up with a weight belt and 17 1/2 lbs added to my body weight and hang there for 10 seconds easily.

So when you fall down, get on up off of that thing and dance till you feel better (James Brown).