Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Happy are the ones that eat their blueberries for they will receive many antioxidants through their body.

Happy are the ones eating dark chocolate, its bitterness will give you sweet health.

Happy are the ones eating their veggies for they will rebuild their body.

Happy are the ones eating yogurt for they will have much beneficial bacteria to help digestion.

Happy are you when people think you're weird and laugh at you cause you take care of yourself, you will outlive them.

Happy are the ones that run/walk because the adrenaline and endorphins through their body will make them feel good.

Happy are the ones proud of their new found health because they will sleep better.

Happy are those staying away from donuts, refined sugars, they will save their teeth and avoid diabetes.

Happy are the ones taking in sun for D vitamin will protect them.

Happy are the ones drinking water for it's earth's milk and it will cleanse you whole.

Loosely based on Mathew 5:3-10  :-)

I felt so good this morning after eating a wholesome breakfast, I got silly.

1 comment:

Like a Butterfly said...

Happy are the ones who find a poem like yours Otto!
