Sunday, January 27, 2008

Providence Workout

Today I did the Providence workout. It's 14 rounds of 2 minutes each with 1 minute rest in between. Once you finish that you do a three minute one arm snatch and press to really torture yourself.

If I can I'll post a video of what I look like after the workout. Pretty sad. I was struggling by the 8th round and the kettlebell size kept getting smaller but they sure did not feel lighter.

I mainly used the 16kg, 12kg and 8kg bells. I also did some lateral arm raises standing on a balancing board with 4.4kg kettlebell to warm up. Boy, I have a long way to go, that's for sure!

The workout video I own, was ordered from Most kettlebells I ordered from I'm not sure if I'll be ordering anything bigger than the 16kg for now. It gets really tough by the end of the work out to hold the 8kgs.

I had a nice protein shake right afterwards with some eggs and vegetables. In the words of the father of Soul: "I feel good!"

Onward,, Going long!

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