Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost over..

It has now been a month, since my dad experienced a stroke.  He was hospitalized, and since then has been discharged, sent to a convalescent home,  back to the hospital twice, sent to convalescent home again a number of times. Phew!

I really believe he's going to outlive us all.

My mom is surely stressed out, he wants to go back home. Can't! He needs to complete his therapy. He has improved but this going back and forth is delaying things more. 

In my family within last month we have had three different members end up in the emergency ward. And if you missed it, a couple of months ago my ...our dog died!

What can you do? Even with all these things going on, we are most definitely blessed. What do we complain most about? The weather, the food, how we look, our shoes, our clothing! Spoiled is what we are!

In any case, my dad is still with us and we'll keep going as life delivers more curbs our way!

Have you had similar experiences? What did you do? How did you weather the storm? Share your experience if you can on a link or a comment.

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