Thursday, February 26, 2009


I recently read and interesting suggestion. When setting goals we sometimes tend to go for an all or nothing deal.

There is anothe way. A Half-a-Habit. While I now can't remember exactly where I read the concept of a Half-a-Habit this may be a good unitended definition.


In the beginning, set the goal so it's easy to achieve to help build a solid foundation
to work off of.

You can set the goal high, but scale back and choose the first target so it's easy
to hit.

Then set another and another and another.

It's tempting to go for all the marbles the first time but it's easy to forget that
for each target you hit, you accrue a vast amount of experience, knowledge,
contacts, ideas, confidence, etc., that you can use to hit the next and the next
and the next.

You rarely have all that in the beginning so don't plan on going for it all just yet.

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