Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th, January 2006. The LA Marathon is just around the corner. Today I hit the 15.7 mile mark. I tried Chia seeds with my breakfast before going out on my walk/run. I prepared the seeds by leaving them soking in water over night. They became a gelatinous concoction that I spread over an almond butter sourdough sandwich for the road plus I also mixed in my oatmeal breakfast.

I felt pretty good going out, in fact I felt so good that I had no water for the first two hours and that my friends was my mistake. I cramped up on the 13.x mile and had to slow down. The Chia mixture gave a an exhilarated feeling and I over did it L. In any case I will not be repeating that mistake. I will have my water at appropriate intervals. Two weeks from now I will be aiming for the 16-17mile mark. I’m recovering quite well though. So on to the next phace. Chia seeds were used by the Aztecs for prolonged treks, so I guess it is appropriate that I use for my marathon training.

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