Saturday, June 16, 2007

New Beginning

I recently bought the book New Rules of Lifting ( I started on the program about three weeks ago. This will be my fourth week (recovery week). Next week I start what is called a fat loss program. Lots of Squats and Deadlifts ( I like that). My only concern is how long the each workout will take.

There are six groups of exercises per workout at three sets of fifteen reps. I'll see how long the first workout takes and figure something out. I only have a limited time for lunch so I may split the workouts. Have to experiment.

I did manage to loose some of the weight I gained after the LA Marathon so that's encouraging. I'm really beginning to question the whole high carb thing to prepare for Marathons. In the last couple of years every time I've done the pre-carb loading it has been horrible for me. It seems I lean more towards protein than carbs but only slightly.

So here we go. This morning I ran for about fourty minutes on the mill. Slow while I watched a nice mellow music DVD. I have a wedding to go later today so I know I'm dancing (even if it's by myself) yeah!

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