Friday, October 28, 2005

So it's Friday. What a week. First my wife's uncle gets a heart attack, we were at the hospital Wednesday night. On Thursday back to the hospital again (this time is my mom), let's see I was with here from 10:ooam to around 5:00pm when home for dinner, back to the hospital. When I left, I get a call from my wife and now a friend of mine is in the ICU having numbess on his left side (he's a fellow Marathoner, so this is not good). So this weekend my family and I will be doing the rounds for at least three hospitals. This is why I have given up donuts and all the junk that we're sold by corporate America. And I'm resolved to take care of my own health and not rely on the FDA which some say have sold their soul to the pharmaceutical companies.

Anywho, on to brighter things. The photo on this post was taken at Bolsa Chica. It does bring feelings of serenity (how does that go, serenity now! serenity now!). :-)

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