Thursday, November 03, 2005

Thursday, Nov 3, 2005. Did not sleep as well as I would have liked to last night. So I did not get up early to work out. I went during lunch and did my dead lift workout. I took it easy. I only used 230lbs max and went down from there to 180lbs and 130lbs. I slowed down the tempo to maximize tension on the muscles and had a pretty good workout nevertheless. I did step-ups holding 20lbs on each hand for 15 reps on each leg. One set of leg extensions at 130lbs on the stack machine and I’ll do the squat session later tonight.

My heart rate monitor stats were an average of 131 average heart beats and I hit a max of 160. I spent 25.12 minutes in zone 3 so that was pretty good. On Wednesday I hit a max of 180 as I was doing intervals on the treadmill, that workout only lasted 25 minutes total.

One thing I’m happy about is that I was able to hang on to the barbell without hooks for most of the workout when doing dead lifts, so there is some improvement there. My diet has also changed a bit in that I’m following a more protein oriented meal plan. So I’m eating about 236 grams of protein to match my current weight. So let’s see how I do later tonight…

The photo here was taken in Florida some years back. Parrot Jungle I think was the place.

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