Sunday, April 02, 2006

A tale of a trail!

Last Saturday (April 1, 2006) I race walked on my tread mill for about 45 minutes. I walked at speeds of 5.5 mph for short bursts and various incline settings of 4, 6, and 9. After that I went to run on the bike trail which is slowly taking form through the back of my property. From my doorstep to the end of the block and back is .7 miles. I ran on the wood chips and stumps scattered on the edge of the trail. I'm really beginning to like this stuff.

I thought that I had finally begun trail running last week, but it really begun on the trail to Punch Bowl falls in Oregon. The photo you see here and others I have posted on this blog are from that same area. I had visited the area one day before with my family and got there around noon. It was full of folks enjoying the cool running water and the wonderful sunlight filtered through the tree canopy up above. At that moment I decided I needed to come back and experience the falls all by myself.

On the following day, I woke up at the crack of dawn. Ate my oatmeal breakfast and packed a few things to munch on the way. I had my camera gear ready and my fanny pack firmly strapped with tripod on hand. I drove to the trail head and ran 2 1/2 miles if I remember correctly up the trail. It was about 6:00 AM. I had the entire trail to myself. Well the birds and other critters accompanied me on this run. I was exited and somewhat apprehensive. Would I meet some bigger wild life, a mountain life perhaps? As I ran and more light cleared up the trail, the whole experience was beyond belief. The green foliage had this shimmering glow and everything looked different than the previous day.

After a slow ascent, I finally got to the Punch Bowl falls. And I was rewarded for my effort. I was there all by myself. I still remember it as if it were yesterday. This shot is the lower Punch Bowl.
In order to get the shot, I had to position myself at the edge of the river bed which is about 10 feet off the ground (maybe at this height it is called something else). As I precariously balanced myself with my tripod and camera, my heart was pounding rapidly. I took as many shots as could until I ran out of digital space on my flash card.

Once done, I packed everything up, put my shorts back on (yes I had to take my regular shorts off and use my Speedos in the water, Ok, no comments about that). I was by myself in any case! So now I ran up back to the trail head and all the way back to the car. By this time other folks were starting to come up the trail.

The switchbacks afforded me a slower pace and a time to reflect on my run. The unfortunate thing for some folks was that I put a the fear of God in them. Most did not expect someone coming back that early and on the switchbacks where you're not seen at first, it can be startling to come up all of a suden facae to face with a teddy bear like me :-)

I was trail running, except I did not know it. Bottom line, I'm into trail running for sure now! I will be looking for some good trail running shoes soon. I have most everything I need. A light carbon fiber tripod, a good pack with hydration system, my hat and the desire to experience the feeling I had all over again. Enough said! Perhaps....well more later.

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