Saturday, March 04, 2006

My recovery weeks are finally here. After last week's failure to log twenty plus miles, my ten mile walk/run was great. I actually hit race walking speeds over five miles per hour and no painful after effects were felt. I most come to grips with the fact that I have to warm up, otherwise I pay for it dearly. Of course my problem is that five minutes of warm up are not enough. So I have learned that if I walk for about a mile and a half, I can pick up the pace and not suffer any consequences. Any less than that an it's a big gamble. This slows the whole process by about half hour. But I guess that in the overall picture, it helps me stay strong for the duration of the walk.

I'm happy to report that the pain suffered on the last run is gone, so are the new inserts that caused the whole episode in the first place. So I'm ready for next weeks shorter run and one more week of tapering.

Vital statistics.

My heart rate recorded an average of 133 beats per minute. I hit a high at some point, but the darn heart rate monitor gave me a false reading of 240 so I'll never know what the real high rate was for this run. Calories spent according to my hear rate monitor were 3072. I wrote Timex about the numbers I'm getting as far as caloric expenditure and this is what I was told: " could vary anywhere from 5% to 25%..." So what I usually do is subtract 20% from my total to come up with a ball park figure. This way I don't go crazy and eat more than I should. Total caloric expenditure comes out to 2457.6. If I do it using the formula found in this runners world article:,5033,s6-197-0-0-8402,00.html , my caloric expenditure comes out to 1219 (.53 x 230lbs) * (10 miles). That would be my total count. My net caloric count would be 690 (.30 x 230lbs) * (10 miles). So as you can see, I can not now go and eat a whole pizza :-).

According to my Garmin GPS, I did the ten miles in 2.30hrs. Average moving speed was 4.1 miles, maximum speed was 9.3 miles ( I was running down hill, it felt great).

Photo above depicts my Lewis and Clark pose. Push forward. The show must go on!

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