Thursday, March 02, 2006

Behind the leaves, there is a brighter day!

Well the 24th of February came and went. Was supposed to do a 20 miler plus and I scheduled it on my PDA, I e-mailed myself so I would not forget. I told everyone I was doing it J ….The best of plans can go awry sometimes.

So how many ways can I tell thee, the story of what could not be…!

It’s early morning (Friday 24, February 2006) I prepared my favorite Oat Meal breakfast with Chia Seeds in the mix, almonds, a banana, raw chocolate chips (1/2 oz.) and went out the door. I did not sleep well the night before…oh boy, well I still went out on time, felt pretty good. One shoe was kind of loose so I stopped and tightened it some more. Strolled thorough a small park in the neighborhood and headed on out. Re-laced my shoes again; and that’s when my troubles started. My right foot (the one with the re-laced shoe), began to ache. It was more like a burning sensation on the top of my foot, this is mile 3. I ignored it cause this could not be happening! Mile 4, take off shoe, loosen shoe strings, make circles with foot put shoe back on. Mile 7, the pain is really bad now. Take off shoe again, play around with shoe fit, feels much better, keep going. Mile 11, I can’t take this any more. I call it quits, head back home. I’m only three miles away so I really loosen the shoe and struggle to get back. After 14.1 miles (6 short of my 20), I’m home. I help my wife with dishwashing and a little house cleaning (I’m really disappointed and hurting but I did not let on, she did appreciated the help).



What’s going on? I head for the shoe store to get some advice. Just before getting off the car, I remember what I changed. I tell you after all the training I did. The many articles I read, etc., etc. I did not listen. I bought some new shoe inserts, which is not necessarily a problem. But did not buy the inserts I usually get, I obtained a different shoe insert from a different manufacturer. Bingo! The arch support on this one is much higher. Making my feet ride higher in the shoe, hence when tightening them, it’s not the same thing. This, my friends is a $40.00 lesson.

On race day: don’t try anything new.
On race day: don’t try anything new.
Close to race day: don’t try anything new.
Stay relaxed.
Close to race day: don’t try anything new.

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