Saturday, July 05, 2008

Pancakes after a workout

Since I joined the Precision Nutrition forum and getting the plan, I've learned a few things that have helped me break the plateau I was stock in for months.

I'm eating vegetables on most meals in the day. The other is the timing of eating carb loaded foods like pancakes. This is the recipe I've adapted to my life style.

I call the kettle bell pancakes not necessarily because of the ingredients but the manner in which I make them.

The ingredients are:

100% Whole wheat flour.
100% Bran (additional fiber).
Steel Cut Oats (ground on coffee grinder).
Ground Flax seed.
Egg whites (sometimes the whole egg depending on how I feel).
Vanilla Whey protein powder.
Milk (your choice).
Coconut Oil

While cooking each pancake set of two, I perform kettle bell moves. 30 to 45 swings per side. In twenty minutes you have an excellent workout plus you really have earned your pancakes. Green tea is also consumed while working out.

Today I made a batch of about 20 pancakes. Enough for the whole family and tomorrow!


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